What age is reduced, the potency of the well-established men?

What is men's the menopause? It is known that the level of sex hormones (androgens) in the body depends on the ability of men in reproductive function.

However, the level of sex hormones may decrease not only due to age, but also to comorbidities, lifestyle, bad habits. It is known that to maintain a healthy lifestyle lead to a continuation of the reproductive period of men. And vice versa, bad habits, chronic diseases can cause there signs of menopause in men after 40 years, and at a younger age. In which age of onset of the symptoms of menopause due to natural causes? Most often the potency begins to fall is relatively healthy men aged 50 to 60 years and older, all depends on the body's individual characteristics. It should be noted that sometimes there will be a temporary decline in potency, is not dependent on age. Complete impotence can occur if a serious disease.

what age is reduced, potency

Factors that affect the potency of the falls

  1. Chronic fatigue, overwork. Permanent physical and moral loading led to men's potency starts to decline. But if you adjust the mode of work and rest balance the workload, to let the body recover, then the resulting state of easy it can be to remove.
  2. Stress, long-term depression. Potency in men depends on the mood directly, in order to avoid problems, you need to learn to go to unpleasant situations, to deal with auto-training, as a special sensitivity, may be worth thinking about shift work.
  3. Obesity. The reasons of occurrence of excess weight to know: a systematic overeating, sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work, hormonal failure, the abuse of beer. The last reason does not directly affect the quality of the potency. So like hops (one part beer) contains analog-to-female sex hormone, called phytoestrogen. Due to this accounts is not only a beer belly and formed effeminatos indicator, but how the result of the systematic receipt of phytoestrogen into the body — men of lose potency.
  4. Diabetes (2. type.
  5. Stroke.
  6. Cardiovascular disease (without the corresponding treatment occurs in the infringement of blood supply of the pelvis, how the result of impotence).
  7. The impact of alcohol, narcotic drugs and tobacco.
  8. Work inflammatory diseases of the male sexual organs and sexually transmitted infections may lead not only to a weakening of potency, but complete impotence.
  9. Poor working conditions (e.g. work in the chemical production impact on the organism itself of toxins, which can degrade the working of the organism in general)

Signs of men menopause

  1. Violation of erectile impotence.
  2. The reduction in the number morning erection or its complete disappearance.
  3. Vertigo, failure of the cardiovascular system.

Why menopause to publish not only decreased reproductive function but also other physiological manifestations? Because sex hormones affect many of the indicators in the body, almost all, and when people are unhealthy, then just weak places are suffering the most.

Menopause may be accompanied by not only physical problems, when it comes to reduce the potency and number of other symptoms, but and abnormalities are psychological, nervous system nature:

  1. Increased irritability, causeless anxiety, fear.
  2. Disturbed memory, reduced ability to concentration.
  3. Neurosis.
  4. A decreased sex drive.
  5. Insomnia.

All of these symptoms may occur, but may also not be, all depends on organism specific features.

What to do if fell, potency?

Problems with potency in men same affect self-esteem, quality of life and proscar.

What to do if it happened there, it is treated on either the potency weakened, affect whether the receipt of medicinal substances in the status of the reproductive scale? Condition when the climacteric in perspective in men in the adjusted medications, the designated doctor, as well as traditional medical means.

Raise the potency to help herbal remedies, but before use is necessary doctor's consultation, in order to avoid unexpected effects. Apply such herbs as hawthorn, dog bag, and various fees for several types of plants.

Raise the potency regulated by the application of hormonal preparations. Potency after 50 to 60 years needs holistic support, usually the doctor will determine the medications constantly to adopt. Start of treatment can be from any problem of age and potency as regular measures, usually recovers. If the potency has dropped a heavy load of moral or physical, the need is to look over your lifestyle.